Thursday, April 25, 2013

Week 4

So far, I am not very good at this update thing...

So this week I ran half of a 5k.  And by running, I mean running until we got to a hill and then walking up a hill, then running again.  This scares me.  I have a full 5k in just over 2 weeks.  I need to get moving.  But I did the half of a 5k in 20 minutes.  That's not terrible for the first one.  If I would have done the second loop it would have been much slower.  So I feel good because I know I am getting better.  I can feel that I am getting better.  But part of me is frustrated because I am not getting better fast enough.  I need to stay focused on training and get more serious.  I am hoping that the races leading up to January will help keep me honest and moving.  I think part of me is looking at the long term and thinks that January is so far away.  It's going to get here quick and I need to take advantage of the time I have to keep it moving!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week 1 - Check!

I was planning on starting 2 weeks ago. And technically I walked, but not according to the training plan. This week, however was much better. I missed a day, but I got in a workout on a rest day.

While I am only a week in, I have already started to see progress. By the end of the week, I started to run!! The first day I ran was Friday. I only ran for a few minutes, but I ran! My lungs felt like they actually haven't been used to their full capacity, like ever. Breathing deep for the rest of the day was followed by coughing. It was terrible.

But even with that, I felt great. While running, I loved it. It felt good. I realized that I don't know what I am doing. I don't know how to keep a pace, but why would I?? Today I ran a little more than I did the other day, and that is what I call progress.

And I have officially registered for the marathon weekend. This just got real.